Yorkshire North and East Ridings
Provincial Festival 2029


Mitre Presentation to Festival

mitre presentation


Following his Installation into the chair of Mitre Lodge of York , Richard Perrin presented certificate to APGM Chris Thomas to confirm a payment from the Lodge of £2000 to Festival 2029 in aid of the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

Richard said that this would be down payment towards Mitre Lodge’s target to achieve a Lodge Award.

Chris Thomas thanked the members of the Lodge and commented that MCF had dispersed over £3m to those in need in the Province since the last Festival.

What is a Festival?

What is the target?

It is hoped that every member will give what they can toward this excellent cause.

As well as individuals Lodges and Chapters are encouraged to attain a level of achievement based on their membership.

It is hoped that most Lodges and Chapters will reach one of the achievements and that at the very least all will have given something.

How do I support The Festival?

Donations can be made in a number of ways, but it is hoped that most members will sign up for a regular promise by direct debit.

You can also donate online here.

Your Charity Steward will have the forms and details of the other methods. You can also visit the MCF Fundraising hub for more ideas and help.